That's modern living for you. We pad ourselves round with wholly unnecessary objects. Ailz is in the front room now sorting through some of them- with a view to getting rid. She's just drawn my attention to a box of confetti left over from our wedding. I believe it's gone in the pile of things we no longer need.
I'm terrible; I'm a horder; things like that box of confetti I hang onto for purely sentimental reasons. There are objects I hate- ornaments mainly- that I keep for fear of hurting their feelings. And then there are all the things that may come in useful sometime- kitchen things for example. Here I point the finger at Ailz. She loves gadgets and never saw a labour-saving device she didn't think was cool. I could care less. I use the same few pots and pans and wooden spoons over and over and over again- and since I'm the one who does most of the cooking- all those crock pots and rice-cookers and George Foreman grills are so much waste of space.
I'm going to join her now. I need to steel myself.