But I'm afraid there's a deeper underlying reason- and it's this- that I'm gradually losing interest. Matt Smith is lovely- everybody's favourite fairy uncle- and Amy and Rory are a couple of bright, funny sitcom kids, but I don't care about them in the least- and if Amy never surfaces from her current imprisonment underground I'll be able to support it manfully. RTD, whatever his faults, turned the show into one that adults could watch with interest- and he did it by making the relationships matter. Smith's Doctor and his current companions are just room-mates. Nothing wrong with that, but if I'm to care for them- and so care about their adventures- they've first got to demonstrate they care for one another. And, yes, they do go through the motions, but there's no depth to it- no chemistry.
This weeks episode revived a Pertwee era monster. In fact the whole thing felt very Pertwee era. Here's another thing I crave from the show- surprises; and Pertwee era monsters are not surprising. Neither, incidentally, are daleks or cybermen. Moffat's shows have been consistently entertaining, but I'm still waiting for the killer episode that'll make me fall in love.