Tony Grist (poliphilo) wrote,
Tony Grist

Junk, John Pertwee, The Great Debate

We went to the tip yesterday afternoon- with a car-full of miscellaneous junk, including a very old TV which we kept lending to people in the hope that we'd seen the last of it, but which kept coming back. They've re-built the tip since we were last there- and it's now very well organised, with a guy in a sentry box who greets you at the barrier and advises you which bays to use, and little walkways between the bays which facilitate the chucking of stuff. Going to the tip always makes me feel cleansed- like I've had a colonic irrigation or something.

I watched more vintage Who last night- a story in which John Pertwee goes to the planet of the hippies to confront a race of evil-minded spiders. One whole episode was given over to an extended chase, in which Pertwee- who was a nut for this sort of thing- gets to drive a gyrocopter and a hovercraft. There were also Buddhists involved. It must be one of the barmiest things I've ever seen. 

Sometime last week a person from IRM (whoever they are) rang up and offered me seats at the Presidents party leaders' debate in Manchester tonight. I said "no" without thinking- as I always do to people who offer me things over the telephone- then realised I'd turned down immortality. This is the first such debate ever, and clips of it - which could have included glimpses of my beaming, Middle English face- will go on being replayed and replayed as long as British democracy lasts.  Ah well- no matter- I'll watch the thing on TV- in comfort-  like everybody else. I may not go down in history, but I won't have to wait at any bus stops either. 


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