With the kitchen being out of bounds so much of the time I've been eating poorly. Lots of fibre, very little protein. That must stop. I…
British films made immediately after the end of WWII are either all about the War or else ignore it completely. Case in point: The October Man (1947)…
A touch of vertigo this morning- not bad enough to be incapacitating but enough to keep me from going to Meeting. I could have sat quietly for an…
I dreamed the Quakers were meeting in a new venue- much smaller than our current Meeting House- and Keith (who died last year) was there. In the…
Turtle soup is a great delicacy- and expensive. And so cooks faked up alternatives and called them mock turtle soup. The recipe varied but the…
Our next door neighbour is reminding me that the fence between our properties needs renewing. I wish it didn't but I suppose it does. One of the…