Tony Grist (poliphilo) wrote,
Tony Grist

Oh Gawd!

We have a cleaner, only she hasn't cleaned or tidied anything since the world went into lockdown. The current understanding is she'll be back at the beginning of September- but we'll see.

Anyway, my son and his wife were visiting yesterday and first thing in the morning I put on the pair of spectacles called "as others see us" and scanned the house and thought, "Oh Gawd!¬"

I put a few objects away in drawers and a few others in plastic bags to be taken to the charity shop but I don't think it made much difference.

As for dusting...

But let me show you what I'm talking about.

This is what my mother sees if she glances off to the side while eating her breakfast. Most of the junk shops I visit are neater...

Ask me what any of those objects are and I'll give you their  history and explain why I couldn't possibly get rid of them. Marie Kondo says we shouldn't hang on to anything that doesn't give us joy- but all these bits and pieces give me joy...

And the very few that don't give me joy give Ailz joy,  so there....

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