Tony Grist (poliphilo) wrote,
Tony Grist

Seaford Head

See that vertical, black line going down the cliff face? That's where the next section is going to break away. It could happen any time.

This is Seaford Head. We'd love to live nearby. There was a house for sale just off the esplanade- a little square box in a terrace of little square boxes- but which one was it- the end house or the one that looked empty or the one with the driftwood fences? The lady who emerged to confront me said it was the one with the open door but the young man who came out of the open door said he and his girlfriend were house-sitting it for the owner and it wasn't for sale at all. I think they may both have been trying to mislead me. With my flat cap, dark glasses and long straggly grey hair they probably took me for a burglar.

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