Tony Grist (poliphilo) wrote,
Tony Grist

New Year's Day

New Year's resolution: to keep on top of the housework. Ailz says she'll dust and I say I'll vaccuum the floors. We've become lazy, partly because the carer who left used to do bits of housework and we got out of the habit. I don't mind pushing the vac around- not at all, really; I find it quite relaxing.

The morning of New Year's Day is mild but damp and drippy.  We heard some fireworks last night, but fewer than usual.

I refuse to get with the meme that 2016 was peculiarly dreadful. That sort of judgement depends on a selection of news items and considerable subjectivity. Yes, a lot of celebs died but they always do. It's just that we got all worked up about it- probably because of the splash that Bowie caused by dying on the back of a very good and much publicised new album- and started noticing all the deaths and adding them to the growing list we were carrying around in our heads. The Daily Telegraph obituary editor- and he ought to know if anyone does- says there was a much bigger reaping of significant cultual figures in 1997. And as for politics? Well, I lost a good friend by determinedly looking on the bright side- so I think I'll leave that one alone...

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