Tony Grist (poliphilo) wrote,
Tony Grist

Speculations Of An Immaterialist

There's a woman in Montana who has extracted blood cells and soft tissue from dinosaur bones. They said it couldn't be done, but it has been and everything we believed about fossilization (that dead dinos turn to stone and have about as much life in them as Michelangelo's David) turns out to be nonsense. I love it when accepted science turns to mush, don't you?

The next thing will be to sequence the DNA and after that we'll have to start building Jurassic Park. Don't tell me it's impossible because I simply don't believe you. If we want something badly enough we'll think our way to the science.

Actually I'm not at all sure that the Laws of Nature (so called) don't accomodate themselves to our desires. We invent the telescope and the universe expands to give us something to look at.  Ditto dinosaurs, Did they really exist before we started dreaming of a grander prehistory than the Book of Genesis could supply us with?  What's 65 million years- the length of time between them and us- if there's no-one around to tear the pages off on the calendar?

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